

This IP is used to track timeouts in the system. It generates an interrupt to the CPU when a timeout is detected.

Devices Supported



Revision History

1.4.0 IP Release Notes
1.3.1 Fixed issue where interrupt does not assert on some configurations and AHBL missing memory map.
1.3.0 Fixed not generating PREADY response for all Addresses and Internal Counter getting stuck.
Driver Updates.
1.2.2 Fixed GUI settings issues.
1.2.1 Fixed python script when number of timer equals 1
1.2.0 Added AHB-Lite support.
Updated Prescaler ratio to 1:2 to avoid IP generation issue.
1.1.1 Added driver folder.
1.1.0 Fixed SNAPSHOT register readback.
Fixed issue in updating the internal counter reload value via PERIOD register.
1.0.0 Initial release.