CSI-2/DSI D-PHY Transmitter


The Lattice Semiconductor D-PHY Tx IP converts 64-bit data to either DSI or
CSI-2 data for Lattice Semiconductor Crosslink-NX family devices.
The CSI-2/DSI D-PHY Transmitter Submodule IP is intended for use in
applications that require a D-PHY transmitter in the FPGA logic.

Devices Supported



Revision History

1.1.0 Added support for ordinal data sequence (previously, input data must be lane interleaved).
Testbench supports 3-lane configuration when packet formatter is disabled.
Supports CIL-enabled configuration.
Code enhancements to remove output glitches.
External clock option provided for Hard D-PHY.
Option for Soft PHY implementation
Added support for LFD2NX.
1.0.1 Update for SP1.
1.0.0 Initial release.