
The Lattice Semiconductor Color Correction Matrix (CCM) IP does linear mapping of the RGB color components from a sensor color space to standard RGB color space through a 3x3 matrix.

Devices Supported

LFCPNX-100, LFD2NX1-40, LFD2NX-17, LIFCL-17, LIFCL-33, LIFCL-40, LAV-AT-E70, LAV-AT-G70, LAV-AT-X70


Revision History

1.2.1 Fixed an issue in proper handling of PPC during vertical blanking period.
Fixed testbench related issues.
1.2.0 Fixed issues in bus interface connectivity.
Fixed wrong assertion of End of Frame output port.
Fixed issues in handling TVALID going LOW during vertical blanking period.
Other minor IP enhancements.
1.1.0 Added support for Avant device
Timing improvements and resource utilization optimizations
Added support for partial resolution
Added regresssion support in Verilog testbench
1.0.0 Initial release.